City of Apple Valley issued the following announcement on Nov. 11.
Outdoor storage and accumulation of materials, equipment, and other miscellaneous items on private property is undesirable for a number of reasons. In addition to being undesirable such conditions are not consistent with City ordinance requirements.
Outdoor storage and accumulation of materials and equipment can detract from the visual appearance of properties in neighborhoods. Accumulation of materials and equipment can pose a fire hazard and can attract many types of common rodents and other pests. Items such as car parts, household furniture or appliances, wood and other construction material, equipment or debris is not allowed.
Remedies may consist of the following:
- Timely and compliant disposal of materials and items for disposal (Disposal Information); or
- Appropriate indoor or off-site storage for stored items; or
- Compliant visual screening for items stored outdoors (see link visual resource below):
- An attractive solid fence or wall or landscaping or earth berm.
- Where landscaping, such as a hedge, is used, the landscape feature shall provide a year-round solid screen.
- Natural features, such as differences in elevation, tree masses or similar natural features.
Click here for screening ideas!
Original source can be found here.
Source: City of Apple Valley