
Dakota Times

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Jurgens sets agenda for legislative session

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Rep. Tony Jurgens | Facebook

Rep. Tony Jurgens | Facebook

Entering this year’s legislative session in the Minnesota House of Representatives, Rep. Tony Jurgens (R-MN) set aside a list of priorities that included tax relief and infrastructure improvement.

Jurgens is the chief author of a bill that would end taxation on Social Security benefits. The representative said Minnesota has a $1.3 million surplus and his bill would benefit the state’s older citizens in a press release. There are other options for surplus spending.

Jurgens has previously played an instrumental role in keeping speed limits in place on Highway 316 but also helping improve safety. He is looking at using state surplus money on the Highway 316 renovation project in Hastings. Hastings has secured $1 million which left an $800,000 gap that could be filled with the state’s surplus.

Hastings would also benefit from two bills Jurgens is carrying to secure $2 million in bonds for a city hall project.

Other items Jurgens is working on is funding from the Capital Investment Fund for additional bike and pedestrian paths in his district.

Jurgens has also had discussions with the Minnesota Department of Transportation and Hastings School Board members to find a resolution on a projected $200,000 cost to the school board for use of land near Todd Field.